My research has focused on two areas: 1) responses to and impacts of mass atrocity crimes and 2) human rights practice, including the development of human rights policy and the local implementation of global human rights norms and the reverse – how local practices shape global norms.
Human Rights and Justice for All: Demanding Dignity in the United States and Around the World, (Routledge, 2022).
All Necessary Measures: The United Nations and Humanitarian Intervention, Pennsylvania Studies in Human Rights (University of Pennsylvania Press, 2013).
Journal Articles and Book Chapters
“Responses to Genocide,” in Deborah Mayersen (ed.), A Cultural History of Genocide (Bloomsbury Press, September 2021).
“The United Nations Security Council and Human Rights,” Global Governance, 26:2 (2020).
“Methods Focus: Insights on Victim Testimony and Transitional Justice,” Journal of Human Rights 17:3 (2018), 384-391.
“Syria and the Responsibility to Prosecute: Norm Promotion in the UN Security Council” in Kurt Mills and Melissa Labonte (eds.), Accessing and Implementing Human Rights and Justice (Routledge, November 2018).
“Contentious Politics in the United States: What Role for Political Scientists?” PS: Political Science and Politics, 50:4 (2017), 985-989. (“Introduction,” co-authored with Maryam Zarneger Deloffre). Served as guest editor for a profession symposium on contentious politics (with Maryam Zarneger Deloffre), 50:4 (2017), 985-1014.
“Human Rights Norms, State Sovereignty and Humanitarian Intervention,” Human Rights Quarterly, 37 (2015), 383-413.
“The UN Security Council and the Protection and Promotion of Human Rights,” in Joel Pruce (ed.), The Social Practice of Human Rights (Palgrave-Macmillon, 2015), 143-165.
“Putting the Pieces Together: Human Rights Advocacy and the History of International Human Rights Standards Website,” (co-authored with Susan Waltz) Human Rights Quarterly, 36 (2014), 906-915.
“Decision-makers in the Dock: How International Law, Trials and Human Rights Activism are Shaping the Justice Norm,” New Global Studies, 63: 3 (2012).
“The Impact of Human Rights Trials in Latin America” Journal of Peace Research, 44:4, (July 2007) pp. 427-445 (co-authored with Kathryn Sikkink). Translated into Spanish as: “La Cascada de Justicia y el Impacto de los Juicios de Derechos Humanos en América Latina,” Cuadernos del CLAEH: Revista Uruguaya de Ciencias Sociales, 2 serie, Año 31, No. 96-97 (2008): 15-40. Translated into Portuguese as “O Impacto dos Processos Judiciais de Direitos Humanos na América Latina,” in Rossana Rocha Reis (Organizadora). Política de Direitos Humanos (São Paulo: Editora Hucitec, 2010), 94-124.
“Global Trends in Transitional Justice, and Transitional Justice in Argentina,” in Naomi Roht-Arriaza and Javier Mariezcurrena (eds.) Transitional Justice in the 21st Century: Beyond Truth and Justice (Cambridge University Press, September 2006) with Kathryn Sikkink.
“Ethnic Cleansing,” in Ken Booth (ed.), The Kosovo Tragedy: Human Rights Dimensions (Essex: Frank Cass Publishers, 2001), pp.47-66.
“The History and Politics of Ethnic Cleansing,” International Journal of Human Rights, 4:3/4 (Autumn/Winter 2000) pp. 47-66.
“Intervention, Emancipation and Kosovo,” Civil Wars, 2:3 (Autumn 1999), pp.65-88.
Other Scholarly Publications
“Human Rights Advocacy and the History of International Human Rights Standards,” website co-created with Susan Waltz, University of Michigan,, launched August 2013.
Human Rights: From Practice to Policy, (conference proceedings and analysis) co-edited with Susan Waltz, the Scholarly Publishing Service, University of Michigan, 2011.
Scholarship Under Review / In Process
Baker, V. L., & Walling, C. “Purpose-driven Community Engaged Learning Initiatives: Developing Civic Leaders and Strengthening Democratic Norms.” Status: Submitted, eJournal of Public Affairs. (May 2022)
Measuring the Justice Norm: The Entanglement of Power and Principle at the United Nations
Original database tracking Security Council resolutions and presidential statements that codify the justice norm.